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Abstract (English):
The main objective of the institute of encouragement measures applied to convicts - ensuring the imple- mentation of progressive system elements of serving a sentence. Various groups of encouragement depending on their qualification allow to individualize strictly execution of different types of criminal sanction and application of correction measures. Classification of measures of encouragement provides a ratio of two levels - general and private.In view of the fact that one of results of work of organizations and bodies of a penal system in relation to the convicts released is their resocialization, it is advisable to add the list of measures of encouragement with such type as permission to carrying out one-time exits by positively characterized convict out of limits of correctional facilities for the purpose of strengthening of socially useful communications. This measure is extremely necessary for educational work with convicts as it promotes their successful social adaptation.

encouragement measure, classification, convicts, correctional facility, one-time exits out of limits of correctional facilities
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