UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The article deals with social work with convicts as social and pedagogical process of forming of their sociality. Social work with convicts is to be carried out in the following directions: increase in degree of their inde- pendence, a capability to control the life and more effectively to resolve the arising problems by socially approved method; creation of conditions under which the person, despite a physical mutilation, sincere failure or vital crisis, can live, keeping self-respect and respect for itself from people around; achievement of such result when need for the help of the social worker disappears. Social work with convicts is an integral part of the mechanism of imple- mentation of the main strategic objective of execution of criminal sanction - correction of a convict. Process of social work with convicts in correctional institution as social and pedagogical process includes the following main stages: preparatory, direct activities (implementation of the chosen social, social and pedagogical technology in the course of serving sentence), final. The research showed that in the course of penitentiary social work it is necessary to se- lect such social and pedagogical methods which mainly influence inner world of the identity of the convict and her environment and promote forming of its sociality.
social work with convicts, social and pedagogical process, stages of social development of a convict, stages of forming of a sociality of a convict, pedagogical methods of social work with convicts, criteria of process of penitentiary social work
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