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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the preventive role of criminal sanction, the emphasis is placed on the concepts of justice and equalities of its implementing to persons who committed crime irrespective of their social position. In recent years the press subsists the publications concerning the impossibility of recognizing the purpose of prevention of crimes lawful as intimidation in the civilized state is in itself immoral and inefficient. However punishment frightens not society in general, but its individual law-breakers. Punishment being the aim to prevent committing crimes is a form of frightening. This concept presupposes the fact that the threat of inevitability of punishment will pass through consciousness of the person, inclined to crime commitment, and will exert a positive impact on the level of his or her criminal activity. The regulations that the threat of potential punishment restrains people from committing crimes can be considered as an axiom.

crime, criminal sanction, criminal law, crime prevention
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