Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Now there is a number of the international judicial and human rights organizations to which it is possible to carry also the International Criminal Court founded on the basis of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court accepted in 1998. International Criminal Court - the first permanent judicial authority which competence includes prose- cution of the persons responsible for the main international crimes: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and so forth. Legal proceedings in the International Criminal Court are conducted in a specific legal form of the international criminal procedure. More than 100 countries are participants of the International Criminal Court. At the same time the State Party of the International Criminal Court independently determines ways of implementation of its decisions. The matter is one of the most difficult and disputable in the procedure of implementation. More than in 10 years of existence of the International Criminal Court not only procedural gaps, but also shortcomings of its activities of substantial nature were revealed. The court shall undertake the solution of the specified problems instantly.
Rome statute of the International criminal court, international criminal court, implementation, prisoners, international standards of prisoners, treatment
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