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Abstract (English):
In article the elements constituting the penal characteristic of the minor convicts staying on the registry in executive inspections are considered. Their relation to a crime, punishment and a property, plant and equipment of correction is analyzed. The main constituent elements of the penal characteristic of minor convicts are: relation of convicts to a crime and punishment, correction property, plant and equipment (established procedure and conditions of serving sentence, socially useful work, receipt of the general education, professional training); social and psychological escort of minor convicts. The penal characteristic includes also overall assessment of convicts: positive, neutral, negative. The basis of the characteristics based on the results of a study conducted by the Research institute of the FPS of Russia in 2016.

minor convict, criminal and executive inspection, criminal and executive characteristic, relation to a crime, relation to punishment, correction property, plant and equipment
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1. Burmakin G. A., Danilin E. M. Otnoshenie nesovershennoletnih osuzhdennyh, sostoyaschih na uchete v ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyh inspekciyah, k prestupleniyu i nakazaniyu // Novaya nauka: problemy i perspektivy : materialy Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. (g. Sterlitamak, 26 avg. 2016 g.). Sterlitamak, 2016. 310 s

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