UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The article deals with the author’s approach to determination and classification of penal organizations’ and bodies’ personnel’s risks. Personnel’s risks are understood as the probability of decrease in efficiency of penal practice caused by incomplete implementation of officers’ potential and their illegal behavior owing to irrational use of penal per- sonnel’s capacity.The problems of staffing the penal system are the most important riskogenny factors of penal practice. Preserving and strengthening the personnel’s potential, the solution of urgent problems in staffing the penal system in the long term can be achieved by forming of an integral personnel’s risks management system.The author believes that the initial stage of penal personnel’s risks management is their classification; gives a number of classification signs. Besides, the effective management of personnel’s risks presupposes minimization of their negative impact on penal organizations’ and bodies’ activity which requires complex consideration of each separate risk remarkable features.
penal system, work with penal staff, penal personnel, personnel’s potential, personnel’s risks
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