Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the 21st century in the Russian society unreasonably adopted reforms led to new problems. The absence of effective state programs directed to protection of mother- and childhood leads to the increase of a number of social orphans (orphans in case of parents being alive), degradation a family, its social vulnerability in conditions of market relations. Every year the number of neglected children joining the ranks of juvenile delinquents increases. In many families children don’t study, have no elementary conditions for normal life. Public organizations aren’t able to solve all the complex of problems congested. The state doesn’t operate any worthwhile nursery and youth policy.This article analyzes the main theoretical and practical questions of minors’ release.The author states that after release the individual should adapt to normal real conditions. At the same time the exprisoner faces the problems of legal and social character. The peculiarities of minor’s release are determined.

peculiarities of minor’s release, resocialization, execution of criminal sanction in the form of imprisonment, penal system
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