UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
In article activities of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Empire for forming and development of system of penitentiary statistics are analyzed. For the first time the most detailed statistical data on criminal cases, the number of defendants and convicts can be found in the report of the ministry for 1834. The structure and contents of this report became a typical form for all subsequent reports which only extended and specified, remaining before Judicial reform of 1864 generally more or less identical on the structure. It is important to note that annual statements of the Ministry of Justice, despite many defects, were much more high-quality than reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was explained by two reasons: a circle of the considered phenomena and an available statistical personnel. Of course, it is impossible to tell that materials of reports of the Ministry of Justice were ideal. They substantially possessed all those shortcomings which were inherent in the organization of the Russian statistics in general. But owing to noted features these reports were rather more authentic, than reports of other departments.
Ministry of Justice, criminal statistics, penitentiary statistics, crime. report, legal agencies
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