UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Considers the institute of criminal penalties, which has recently been fairly criticized, requires change, improvement and reform. The solution of emerging problems in this field is impossible without taking into account both, historical and positive foreign experience. We see the instructive experience of criminal penalties in the Russian Empire of the XIX century in the Buryat society, which has organically incorporated both, Russian traditions and the customs of the neighboring Mongolian state. Legal regulation of the outlying territories of the Russian Empire in the XIX century, particulary in the Buryat society in the context of prevention of criminal acts, we can see distinction between legal proceedings depending on the categories of crimes committed. The goals of criminal penalties, as prevention of new crimes, correction of the offender, were achieved primarily through public institutions (local government, tribal and clan communities).
criminal penalties, foreign and historical experience, Buryat society, crime prevention
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