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Abstract (English):
The article considers the issue of legal regulation of convicts ' labour. The author draws attention to the fact that from a legal point of view, the legal basis of employment of convicts is the system of conditions that determine the social significance of convicts ' labour. The formation of the main trends of legal regulation, influenced the content of convicts labor in Russia, contains several stages and their characteristic. The author emphasizes a gradual transition from deterrence and contents of the elements of punishment in the labor of convicts to the realization of social value of their work. The author indicates that nowadays public relations in the field of convict’s labour is regulated by the norms of different branches of law (labor, criminal, civil, etc.), but the main burden on the legal regulation of organisation of convict’s work is under the penal legislation jurisdiction. A brief analysis of the current legislation in the sphere of convict’s work allows the author to come to the conclusion that currently there is a growing need of improving the regulatory framework, ensuring proper maintenance of convict’s labour.

penal legislation, regulation, enforcement of sentences, the content of the convicts ' labour
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