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Abstract (English):
Crime fighting, and its recurring manifestations is one of the priorities of our state and society. The process of preventive impact on crime is a system that includes a set of interrelated elements e.g. the subjects that are involved in crime prevention. The list of these entities is set in the federal legislation. They include, in particular, executive bodies. Regional executive bodies are an independent subject of preventive activity and play an important role in this process. One of the areas of activity of the regional executive authorities is assistance in social adaptation to released prisoners. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there is quite a positive experience in this direction. In this regard, it seems quite relevant to consider the role and place of regional executive bodies in the system of social adaptation of released prisonres, as well as the positive experience of their work, with a view to its implementation in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

criminological support, crime prevention, the subject of the Russian Federation, regional crime, executive agencies, social adaptation, quoting of workplaces, released from prison
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