UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
During the modern period it is possible to note the questions connected with improvement of legal regulation and practice of execution and serving of imprisonment in corrective labor colonies of the general and strict modes. In the field of an order of execution and serving sentence in these corrective labor colonies there is no need to toughen or soften regime requirements, it is necessary to try to obtain full realization by convicts of the existing duties and the bans. Due to the social and economic changes in society, it is in the long term possible to consider a question of increase in number of the short-term and long appointments provided to convicts, the received parcels, transfers, parcels post. In the field of providing with domestic conditions in corrective labor colonies of the general and strict modes phased transition to increase in norm of living space is necessary for convicts. In the sphere of involvement of convicts to socially useful work their more full labor employment, creation of new jobs should promote, to improve production base of the centers of labor adaptation of data of colonies. The actions for improvement of otryadny system in corrective labor colonies directed to replacement of groups with other legal forms of management of groups of convicts are possible. In the sphere of social adaptation by the convict serving sentence in the facilitated conditions in corrective colonies of strict regime we suggest to allow release from custody under supervision of administration, as an experiment to test granting and use in corrective labor colonies of the general and strict modes the system of discharge.
the legal regulation, execution of the punishment, corrective labor colonies of the general and strict mod- es condemned to imprisonment
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