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Abstract (English):
Now the Russian legislation doesn't regulate the general conditions of implementation of amnesty. The most important questions of implementation of amnesty have received the authentic interpretation in the resolution on an order of its application. Provisions of the specified normative legal act don't take up fully all questions of law-enforcement practice of correctional facilities on implementation of amnesty that leads to a number of organizational and legal problems. As has shown the analysis of activity of correctional facilities, its action in time is the reason of multiple questions of implementation of amnesty. The resolution on amnesty extends to the persons who have committed crimes to his edition and is subject to execution in the six-months time whereas signs of the person falling under operation of the act of amnesty can arise and be found after this term. In this regard the point of view about need of introduction of termless nature of amnesty of persons on condition of commission of crimes by them about day of the introduction of the act of amnesty in validity is justified. For respect for the principle of equality of citizens and justice it is necessary to establish the obligatory term of consideration of materials by administration of correctional facility in 3 months. On completion of check of materials the administration of establishment will be obliged to provide to the convict the answer about a possibility of application to him of amnesty or to motivate the refusal with application of copies of the relevant documents.

implementation of amnesty, amnesty application, the act of amnesty, the resolution on amnesty, action in time, correctional facilities, penal system
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