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Abstract (English):
In the article, the problems connected with control over the persons released from places of detention are considered, which is necessary for preventing their committing new crimes. One of the major tasks facing both executive bodies of the government, and the state in general is to fight crime. Undoubtedly, this is a historically changeable, socially negative phenomenon, which generates socially dangerous acts in the different areas of public life, therefore one of basic elements of counteracting crime worldwide is imprisonment. However, imprisonment is not a universal method of counteracting crime; criminals who have served their sentence in correctional facilities and have been released, often commit new crimes. In order to prevent criminological relapse, such activities of state executive bodies as control over persons who have served a sentence in the form of imprisonment are important; the measure is intended to reduce the quantitative index of this category of crime.

the post-penitentiary control, administrative supervision, criminological relapse, convicts, persons who have served a sentence in the form of imprisonment, parole
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