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Abstract (English):
The disciplinary measures applied to convicts to imprisonment are directed to maintenance of the appropriate order and conditions of serving of criminal penalty, discipline among convicts, appear a method of fixing of a level of their correction, stimulate them to right obedient behavior.The comparative and legal analysis of the foreign, including model, criminal and executive legislation, the international standards of treatment of convicts - a method of enhancement of the domestic criminal and executive legislation of the Russian Federation, and an additional study of foreign experience of execution and serving sentence in the form of imprisonment, including questions of application of disciplinary measures to convicts, promotes increase in efficiency of these processes. Member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), actively create the criminal and executive legislation and the main tendencies on execution of criminal penalties in the light of application of new United Nations standard minimum rules concerning treatment of convicts of 2015 (Nelson Mandela’s Rules).On the basis of a study of system of the disciplinary measures applied to convicts to imprisonment, their content, the form of expression, an order of application, the mechanism of assignment and cancellation in the CIS countries are formulated outputs about perspectives of development of disciplinary responsibility of convicts in places of detention, its legislative regulation, features of use in correctional facilities, their compliance to the international standards of serving sentence. The article also touches upon the use of foreign experience while developing home penal legislation and also carrying out additional scientific and applied researches in this sphere.

Commonwealth of Independent States, criminal penalty, international standards, criminal and executive legislation, imprisonment, convict, discipline, violation of an established order of serving sentence, disciplinary measures, chief of corrective establishment
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