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Abstract (English):
Punishment execution in Spain is carried out under the direction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Spain and the Ministry of Justice of Catalonia. It is organized, as a rule, in multifunctional institutions. Execution of custodial punishments is carried out in penal institutions: a) places of pre-trial detention; b) special facilities (hospital, psychiatric asylums, the centers of social rehabilitation) where the convicts having mental diseases, who have committed a crime in a condition of any intoxication are kept; c) correctional facilities of the open, usual and closed modes where convicts, one of three extents of correction serve sentence. The punishments which aren't connected with isolation from society are implemented by special bodies at the place of residence of the convict.

еру penal system of Spain, the place of pretrial detention, special facilities, correctional facilities, managements on execution of criminal non-custodial penalties
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1. Teplyashin, P. V. Postpenitenciarnyy recidiv kak kriteriy ocenki effektivnosti evropeyskih penitenciarnyh sistem (kriticheskiy analiz) [Tekst] / P. V. Teplyashin // Ugolovno-ispolnitel'noe pravo. - 2015. - № 4. - S. 74-78

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