UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The questions of the organization of individual preventive maintenance by juvenile case departments as an administrative and legal way of the child’s rights protection are considered; the legal norms regulating the public relations connected with individual prevention of an antisocial way of children’s life, neglect and homelessnesses which cause committing crimes are analysed. The suggestions for improvement of the studied legislation are made. It is offered to add to the Federal law of June 24, 1999 No. 120 "About bases of prevention system of neglect and offenses of minors" the term "early prevention". The law regulates actually the prevention of an antisocial way of minors’ life. That’s why the measures of early prevention directed to inadmissibility of children’s life change are necessary.
individual scheduled maintenance, early prevention, divisions for minors, offenses, protection of the rights of the child, law-enforcement bodies
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