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Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the issues relating to the need of adopting a separate law on service in the penitentiary system.The subject of the study is a set of legal norms regulating public relations related to the consolidation of the legal status and the order of service by officers of the penal system.The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the current state of Russian administrative legislation that establishes the legal status and the order of service by the officers of the penal system; studying the problems of regulatory and legal regulation of this sphere, making proposals for their elimination.Achievement of a goal was provided with the solution of the following tasks: the analysis of the current legislation about legal status and an order of service by employees of a penal system; research of legislative bases of service by the staff of other law enforcement agencies; development of the directions of improvement of the administrative legislation fixing the considered institute.The concrete scientifically reasoned suggestions for improvement of the studied administrative legislation are given.The idea about inexpediency of distribution on employees of a penal system through blanket standards of the Federal law of November 30, 2011 is stated to No. 342-FL "About service in law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation" as in addition it will be required to adopt the normative legal act considering features of service in a penal system. It is reasoned that though a penal system and law-enforcement bodies - adjacent departments, at them are different functions, the purposes, problems of activity and power on their realization.The author substantiates the need to have its own federal law on the service and status of its employees for each law enforcement agency in oder to avoid confusion and piling up of normative and legal acts.

public service, penal system, employee, regulation, administrative legislation, law-enforcement bodies
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