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Abstract (English):
Questions of individual scheduled maintenance with conditionally condemned are taken up, the main directions of individual scheduled maintenance, the purpose and a task of individual-but-scheduled maintenance decide on conditionally condemned.During work with conditionally condemned there is a need of application concerning their specific forms and methods of influence, including educational character that, in turn, demands development of special programs of individual scheduled maintenance. The solution of this task is at a loss as a considerable part of conditionally condemned have resistant aggressive and violent focus, extensive criminal experience, adhere to traditions of underworld, have serious deviations in behavior, are repeatedly judged and considerable part of them is in difficult life situations.The organization of individual scheduled maintenance with conditionally condemned has paramount value as this direction of prevention is one of levels of precautionary activity which is integrally connected with other directions, nevertheless acts as the independent direction which can be more effective and it is the most productive than others in implementation of activities for crime counteraction.The essence of individual and preventive actions is in revealing conditionally convicts who plan or prepare crime and also the persons capable to commit it, for the purpose of counteraction to their deviating illegal behavior. Theoretically all criminals can be divided into conditional groups depending on their criminal activity, and for this purpose to establish criminological significant signs of the personality, their behavioural deviations and also properties of a microenvironment of their stay. In this regard scientists-criminologists traditionally allocate two stages of individual and preventive activity: early and direct prevention of crimes.

conditionally condemned, penal inspections, conditional condemnation, punishments which aren’t connected with imprisonment, individual scheduled maintenance
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