Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of activity of bodies and institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service for ensuring preservation of the environment is carried out. It is caused by a wide range of the industrial sector of a penal system which includes such types of productions as: agricultural, metal working and production of finished metal products, processing of secondary polymeric materials, logging and woodworking, mechanical engineering (agricultural machinery, automotive industry, tyagodutyevy cars, etc.), production of clothes and textiles, production of furniture. Besides, these subjects will organize utilization, processing or storage of waste and also plums of sewage and emission of the substances polluting atmospheric air formed as a result of economic and other activity. Execution of the constitutional obligation for preservation of the environment by penal institutions and bodies within use of the land plots belonging to the category of lands of settlements is carried out by means of obtaining necessary permissions (licenses) for carrying out a certain economic and other activity, observance of rules of the allowed use of appropriate resources, standards of emission of pollutants and waste, their storage and utilization and also by means of payment of lawfully established payments for harmful effects on the environment. Institutions, the enterprises and bodies of a penal system enable the realization of standard of article 58 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation by means of observance of the concretizing requirements of the federal, departmental and local legislation in separate ecological legal relationship in the directions to the earh, wood and water use and also the address with waste and emissions of production and other activity. All listed spheres of nature protection activity are in indissoluble interrelation, forming a uniform constitutional legal mechanism of discharge of duty on preservation of the environment by penitentiary service of the country. At the same time this unity is traced not only in law-enforcement, but also in technological process at implementation of economic activity of a penal system.

institutions and bodies of a penal correction system, environment, land use, forest exploitation, water use, environmental management
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