UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Administrative responsibility for delivery of the prohibited articles in the penal system, the standards of the administrative legislation providing counterpenetration of the prohibited articles into correctional institutions, preventive measures are analyzed.On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of the legislation, official regulations and practice of the organization of counter-penetration of the prohibited articles into correctional institutions recommendations for improvement of legal regulation and organization of fighting crime in the correctional institutions providing isolation from society are developed.The structure of the administrative offense including delivery or attempt of delivery into corrections articles, substances, food, storage or use of which is forbidden isconsidered.The article contains examples from the current legislation regulating activity of the penal system at present.Classification of the general subjects depending upon avilability or lack of their access right to the territory of correctional institution or place of detention is offered.The factors weakening or strengthening action of the reasons of illegal delivery and (or) the conditions of commiting crimes are emphasized.
penal system, administrative responsibility, prohibited articles, the regime territory
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