UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Counteraction to corruption manifestations is the priority direction of any sovereign state, contributes to the successful social and economic development, strengthening of law and order in it. Provisions of the concept of national security of Republic of Belarus determine ensuring public safety and health and safety of the population, decrease in crime rate and criminalization of society and also preservation of a role of the state as guarantor of safety of the personality, complex improvement of processes of prevention and fight against crime, first of all with corruption, terrorism and extremism in all of them manifestations, separatism, racial and religious intolerance, the main directions of development of Republic of Belarus at the present stage.The article highlights the urgency of the anti-corruption activities conducted by the subjects of prevention, related to the fact that corruption crimes are widespread in all spheres (political, economic, social, legal, penal) and entail grave consequences for the Republic of Belarus. The public danger of these acts is noted in the form of a shortage of material benefits, evasion from the receipt of financial resources in the country's budget, existence of mistrust to authorities (to correctness of the made decisions, need of introduction of additional material incentives and so forth).In Belarus exists and is constantly improving the system of measures on corruption counteraction, which is based on the provisions of anti-corruption legislation. And then at the legislative level is defined and functionally reflected the existence of a list of state and special bodies that combat corruption. In addition to the expanded scope of the legal impact (regulation) and the availability of additional special competencies for these bodies, the national legislation specifies a number of restrictions for public officials and persons equated to them, including foreign officials, which helps to eliminate potential and actual conflicts of interest, as well as criminal factors of corruption properties.
Republic of Belarus, corruption, crime, system of measures of prevention, crime prevention, fight against corruption
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