UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
The discretion in activity of the law enforcement agencies significantly affects the rights and freedoms of citizens as the specified activity often is expressed in application of the state coercion. Existence of the specified discretion is objectively caused and it is necessary owing to specifics of an object of influence of the law enforcement agencies as which the illegal behavior of citizens acts. These specifics are shown in continuous change of forms and ways of commission by citizens of offenses and also the counteraction to the law enforcement bodies rendered by them. In the regulations of activity of the law enforcement agencies it is necessary to mark out the general and special norms limiting a discretion. The norms establishing the purposes, tasks and the principles of activity of the law enforcement agencies belong to the general norms limiting a discretion. Control of legitimacy of application of a discretion by the law enforcement officers is in many respects exercised by means of assessment of compliance of the specified application to the purposes provided for it in the law. It is necessary to refer the norms establishing obligation of registration of justification of application of a discretion to the special norms limiting a discretion in activity of the law enforcement agencies.
law-enforcement activity, law enforcement agencies, discretion, discretion, objective conditionality of a discretion, legal limits of a discretion
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5. Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz. Das Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz. Gesetze im Internet. URL : http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/bundesrecht/vwvfg/gesamt.pdf (data obrascheniya: 13.04.2017)