UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Some problems of execution of punishment in the form of restriction of liberty concerning sick convicts and recidivism prevention are considered in the article. The author suggests the ways of improvement of the penal legislation including in regards of illness treatment as the main means of sick convicts correction.
punishment penal inspections-исполнительные инспекции, sick convicts, disabled people, restriction of liberty
1. Skiba A. P. Ispolnenie ugolovnyh nakazaniy v otnoshenii bol'nyh osuzhdennyh: teoretiko-prikladnoe issledovanie : avtoref. dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk. Ryazan', 2013. 38 s
2. Kudryavcev V. N. Prichiny pravonarusheniy. M., 1976. 286 s
3. Krymov A. A., Skiba A. P. Ispolnenie lisheniya svobody v otnoshenii bol'nyh osuzhdennyh : monografiya. Ryazan', 2015. 257 s