Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
In the article the author analyzes the implementation of other measures under the penal law in the context of penal law structure revision.The subject of the research is a set of rules of penal law regulating social relations concern- ing the execution of other measures under criminal law, as well as materials of judicial and law enforcement activities.The purpose of the research is a comprehensive analysis of the modern condition of criminal law as a branch of law, the revision of its internal structure; the separation of additional penal law sphere - relations after release from penitentiary.It is proposed to include after-penitentiary relations resulting from the replacement of the criminal penalty in the form of imprisonment for other measures of criminal legal nature in the subject of the penal law.In the article the author considers the controversial issues of legal regulation of the process of execution of criminal law measures which are not the forms of criminal responsibility. It is emphasized that post-penitentiary relations being a kind of penal law relations have a different modified nature from the typical penal law relations because the emphasis is made not on the punitive, but on the controlling purpose on the part of penal institutions and bodies; there is obvious specific character in the combination of field methods of legal regulation.It is concluded that after-penitentiary law is not a sub-branch of the penal law, but there is background for its development in future years: general provisions on the execution of other measures under criminal law, differentiated penal institutions which are the forms of implementation of criminal liability and application of corrective and preventive measures to convicted persons.The author proves the suggestions on scientific issues on penal law improvement.
penal law as the branch of Russian law, penal law subject, after-care law (after penitentiary), penal law norm, penal law institution, penal law structure, penal law, penal law relations, criminal liability
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