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Abstract (English):
The decrease of penal law repressiveness, expressed in the draft federal law, adopted by the Russian Supreme Court Plenum on 31th October, 2017, has a widespread approval in law science. The introduction of a category of “misdemeanor offense” is proposed.According to the draft analysis, “misdemeanor offense” coming into force provides deeper diversification of crimes, segregating socially dangerous acts, for which imprisonment is not applied. Considering that persons who committed criminal offenses for the first time or crimes of low or medium gravity were offered to apply, along with a judicial penalty, other measures that are similar (with respect to the name and nature of legal restrictions) with such punishments as compulsory and correctional labor, the idea of differentiation of criminal liability, on which the draft is based.The proposal to consolidate the new grounds for exemption from criminal liability as imperative and conditional leads to the fact that the person who committed a criminal offense, the smallest classified among the criminally punishable, cannot be released from criminal liability on other grounds that are unconditional and do not attract the use of measures of state enforcement.Without denying the idea of a deeper differentiation of crimes and reducing the repressiveness of the penal law, it should be noted that its implementation will require the differentiation of measures of the criminal principles, including the features of their execution, which entails the revision of a significant number of normative acts of substantive and procedural law.

misdemeanor offense, crime, grade of offense, relief from criminal responsibility, another criminal sanction, penal law humanization
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