The article is devoted to the consideration of such a method of statistical observation as a special census of convicts, which allows us to study the influence of marital and family relations on the criminalization of personality. Based on the analysis of the historical experience of conducting special censuses of convicts conducted in our country, the methodological and organizational features of this method of statistical observation are considered, as well as the main parameters of future special censuses are formed, which will allow identifying patterns of influence of marital and family relations on the criminalization of personality. The solution of the tasks was carried out on the basis of the application of general scientific research methods in the framework of comparative, logical analysis. In addition, a descriptive method was used, including techniques of comparison and generalization. The article analyzes the special censuses of 1926, 1937, 1999 and 2009, examines the objects of the census, the content, and selectively analyzes the data obtained. The author concludes that this method can serve as a tool for obtaining comprehensive data on the impact of marital and family relations on the criminalization of personality. A special block of questions devoted to the family climate in the parental family, as well as in the family of the convict himself, allows us to identify the regularity of the influence of negative properties of the family on the personality. This information is of scientific and social interest, since the state, having this information, can adjust social policy, focusing on traditional family values. As a result of the analysis of the history of special censuses in our country, it was concluded that it is advisable to carry out these measures in order to obtain information about the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of convicted persons in dynamics. The author suggests organizational and methodological features of conducting special censuses in order to obtain this information.
census, reception of statistical observation, characteristics of convicts, characteristics of marital and family ties, socio-demographic data, criminal law data, determinants of criminal behavior
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