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Abstract (English):
Currently, conditions have been created in correctional institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for serving sentences by sick convicts. The existing regulatory framework providing for the organization of treatment of the category of convicts in question, according to the authors, requires improvement. The normative legal acts considered in the article indicate the absence of a regulated procedure (mechanism) that allows convicts to ensure full compliance with the prescribed treatment in terms of taking mandatory medicines. The authors come to the conclusion that the existing problem with the refusal or ignoring by those sentenced to imprisonment of taking prescribed medications requires additional regulatory regulation. In practice, the process of taking medications depends on the so-called human factor and the attitude to the performance of their duties by medical personnel of medical and sanitary units in correctional institutions. The analysis of the stated problem allows us to reliably assert that individual convicts do not take medications prescribed to them, ignoring or denying any treatment, being indifferent to their state of health or with the aim of harming themselves to use their disease in order to improve the conditions of serving their sentence, transfer to medical correctional institutions. According to the authors of the article, in the future, the intake of medicines should acquire a strictly controlled nature by correctional officers.

correctional institutions, penal enforcement legislation, convicts, health protection, correction, deprivation of liberty, law, correctional institutions, regulatory legal acts, medicines
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