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Abstract (English):
The article is a study in the field of providing educational influence on convicts serving imprisonment through the application of penalties established by the penal enforcement legislation of Russia. The main features of the system of penalties are determined and disclosed, its advantages and disadvantages are revealed. The assessment of compliance with the legality and rationality of the application of penalties to convicts serving imprisonment in Russia is carried out. The directions of correction of the penal enforcement legislation and the prospects for the development of the system of penalties applied to those sentenced to imprisonment are analyzed, taking into account the tasks of departmental regulations, the possibility of introducing the disciplinary practice of US prisoners in Russia is evaluated. Based on the analysis carried out, some ideas are put forward regarding the prospects for the development of the system of penalties for persons sentenced to imprisonment in Russia.

penal enforcement legislation, deprivation of liberty, correctional institution, educational work with convicts, penalties, rationality of application
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