The article analyzes the issues of the application of security measures in accordance with the new Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia, adopted on May 5, 2020 and coming into force on July 1, 2022. The author considers the confiscation of property as another measure of criminal legal impact. He proposes to allocate in the new Criminal Code a section entitled “Security measures and other measures of criminal legal impact”, which would include the chapters “Security measures” (compulsory measures of a medical nature and compulsory measures of an educational nature) and “Other measures of criminal legal impact” (confiscation of property, possibly other measures). According to the results of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that, unlike punishment, the basis for the use of other measures of criminal legal impact (security measures) can serve not only a crime, but also the commission of other socially dangerous acts by an insane person.
Republic of Armenia, reform of criminal legislation, security measures, other means of criminal legal influence
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