The article is devoted to the consideration of the concept of penitentiary security and its place in the national security system. The prerequisites for reducing the level of penitentiary security in the field of criminal law regulation are considered. The connection between criminal law, criminal procedure and penitentiary security is traced. It is noted that it is «secondary», dependent on the implementation of the goals and effectiveness of criminal, administrative and criminal procedure legislation. Its mutual contradictions and lacunae are revealed, which act as prerequisites for the low effectiveness of punishments and reduce the level of penitentiary security. Based on the application of methods of comparative jurisprudence, system analysis, formal legal analysis of the text, grammatical and logical interpretation on the example of administrative-legal and criminal-legal prohibitions on the dissemination of deliberately false information, it is stated that there is a need to improve penitentiary security by harmonizing all types of legislation and practice of its application.
penitentiary security, anticriminal security, system of punishments, knowingly false information, European Court of Human Rights
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