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Abstract (English):
The article shows that ensuring the personal safety of convicts is a legally conditioned and normatively taken into account social opportunity and benefit of a person serving a criminal sentence. The absence, on the one hand, of a normative specification of the category “personal safety of convicts”, and on the other hand, its widespread use in doctrinal polemics, indicates its intersectoral complex nature and evaluability, complexity and structuring. It is proved that ensuring the personal safety of convicts can be associated with countering a fairly wide range of threats, one of which may be the corrupt behavior of the staff of institutions of the penal system. The grounds for the application of measures of personal anti-corruption security of convicts (social, regulatory, factual (material), organizational) are considered and their definition is formulated. These measures should represent standards of conduct, that is, a set of special prohibitions, restrictions and obligations enshrined in the relevant regulatory legal acts in order to counteract acts of corruption. It is summarized that at present it is necessary to adapt the anti-corruption rules of conduct to such a target group of participants in public relations as convicts. The conclusion is made, according to which there is a tendency to partially extend anti-corruption standards of behavior to convicts, which have an intersectoral and collective character (in educational, informational and other spheres of public relations). In conclusion, it is indicated that the development of the theory of anti-corruption measures of personal security of convicts will contribute to a higher efficiency of correctional impact on them and increase the effectiveness of countering offenses in places of deprivation of liberty.

bribery, disciplinary responsibility, prohibited items, restriction of contacts, legal status of convicts, notification of facts of inducement to corruption
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