Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the personal characteristics of women serving sentences in the form of imprisonment, taking into account the modern structure of female crime, its features. Women’s crime has now become one of their most significant and negative phenomena. This problem has acquired special significance, since it copies male crime in many of its characteristics. The criminal behavior of women practically does not differ from the crimes committed by men, and in some cases their behavior is characterized by more aggressive and violent. The topicality of the study is also associated with the aggravation of female crime. The relevance of the topic under consideration is determined primarily by the apparent insufficiency of its development in research and, of course, by the fact that many scientific works on certain aspects of criminal responsibility for crimes committed by women were created based on previously existing legislation. The research is interdisciplinary in nature, which determines the use of universal theoretical methods, various empirical approaches of economics, sociology, law, which allowed us to obtain comparable scientific results. A system analysis is proposed as the main research methodology. Based on the results of the study, the author identified the features and specifics of the personality of women who have committed crimes and are serving sentences in correctional institutions.

female crime, personality, convicts, legislation, imprisonment
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