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Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of a criminological study of the personality of women sentenced to imprisonment who suffer from mental disorders and are psychologically registered in correctional institutions of the penitentiary system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. As a result of the conducted research, the main socio-demographic (age, level of education, marital status), criminal law (article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, according to which a woman was convicted; the term of imprisonment determined by the court for the crime committed; the number of criminal convictions), penal enforcement (characteristics of the administration of a correctional institution in relation to compliance with the established order of serving a sentence, informal status, features of its psychological characteristics in places of deprivation of liberty, etc.) and medical and psychiatric (nosological form of mental disorder, features of psychiatric observation and treatment in the IU, the state of somatic health, etc.) signs forming the criminological and penitentiary characteristics of their personality. The obtained results are proposed to be used in the development and organization of a system of educational, psychological and medical preventive measures with convicted women suffering from mental disorders and serving a sentence of imprisonment, as well as in the complex system of measures aimed at countering the criminality of persons suffering from mental disorders.

criminology-penitentiary characteristics, female criminality, convict personality, criminality of persons with mental disorders, countering crime and socially dangerous behavior of persons with mental disorders
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