In order to increase the number of acts of application by courts of another measure of a criminal nature in the form of confiscation of property, optimization of the mechanism of its implementation, as well as the study of possible prospects for the development of this criminal law institution, the author examines some theoretical and practical issues related to the confiscation of property: the legal nature of the confiscation of property, the grounds for its appointment, the expiration of the statute of limitations of implementation confiscation of property, borrowing foreign experience in the regulation of this institution. The author of the article came to the following conclusions: specified in art. 104.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the basis for the application of confiscation in the form of a court conviction is not exhaustive; taking into account domestic and foreign experience, further transformation of the domestic criminal law institution of confiscation of property is inevitable; it is advisable to make changes and additions to the legislation regarding the possibility of assigning confiscation of property with other measures of a criminal nature, as well as the implementation of confiscation of property in practice indefinitely (for an indefinite period after the verdict of the court); it is necessary to legislatively eliminate the prohibition of seizure with subsequent confiscation of residential premises acquired at the expense of funds obtained by criminal means (within the framework of the elements of crimes enshrined in Article 104.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The results obtained in the course of the study can be used in further scientific developments on the problems of the institute of confiscation of property, as well as in the educational process of educational organizations.
confiscation of property, other measures of a criminal nature, crime prevention
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