The study is devoted to the phenomenon of prison temples in Russia on the example of the construction of a church at the St. Petersburg central solitary prison “Crosses”. The article reveals the reasons for the construction of the new prison, traces the main stages of the temple, which was not originally included in the prison project, was built on private donations and subsequently became the architectural dominant of the prison complex. A significant place in the activities of the institution was occupied by clergymen who were engaged on a regular basis in the spiritual and moral education of prisoners. Special attention is paid to the activities of prison clergy and issues of religious life of prisoners. After the Revolution of 1917, the clergy were kept in the “Crosses” as prisoners, showing an example of a Christian attitude to the events taking place in the country. Examples of historical personalities contained in the “Crosses» in the 20s - 80s of the XX century are given. The modern history of the interaction of the Church with the penal system on the example of the Pre-trial Detention Center No. 1. St. Petersburg “Crosses”, shows the variety of forms and methods of spiritual and moral work of the clergy with those under investigation and convicted, the main of which are not only religious activities, but also social, educational, sports and cultural projects.
Russian Orthodox Church, prison church building, history of the penal system, prison ministry
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