Problems of educational work with prisoners sentenced to imprisonment
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Correction of convicts is essentially one of the main components of the application of certain norms of penal enforcement legislation, and is especially important for determining the degree of correction of a convicted person. Correction of convicts is primarily the end result of criminal punishment. A special place in the correction of those sentenced to imprisonment is given to educational work with them. The increase in the proportion of those sentenced to imprisonment among all those convicted of committing crimes on the territory of the Russian Federation confirms the relevance and timeliness of consideration of this problem. Based on the results of the study, conclusions are formulated that the correction of a convicted person directly indicates the state of the penitentiary system in the state, since only an effectively functioning system of execution of criminal penalties, built on democratic principles of respect for human and civil rights and freedoms, is able to ensure the achievement of the result of correction.

convicted person, educational work, correction of convicted person, criminal punishment, imprisonment
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