Minsk, Belarus
UDK 343.91 Виды преступников
The article is devoted to the analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators and structural components of the personality of a violent criminal. The relevance of the topic under consideration is determined by the need to build a coherent policy of countering violent crime, including penitentiary violent crime in conditions of isolation of a person from society. Based on the generalization of data obtained from the materials of criminal cases, as well as the results of the survey of respondents, it became possible to structure a typical portrait of the personality of a criminal who commits violent crimes and hooliganism. In addition, the features of the personality of a violent criminal in dynamics are revealed, taking into account his socio-demographic, criminal-legal, socio-role and moral-psychological properties. The information obtained can be used as the basis for individual preventive measures.
criminology, criminal personality, violence, convict, structural and collective portrait of the personality of a violent criminal
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