Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 343.85 Предупреждение преступлений. Уголовная профилактика. Социальные меры предупреждения. Профилактика преступности несовершеннолетних
Extremism is a serious social problem that has a profound impact on society. The specifics of this destructive phenomenon require special attention and consideration at virtually all stages of law enforcement activities, as well as the stage of re-socialization of the relevant criminal contingent. The inclusion of convicts in extremist groups, as well as their adherence to radical beliefs, can significantly complicate the process of their correction and rehabilitation. The article examines the origin and essence of extremism, its impact on the process of correction of convicts and possible approaches to solving this problem.
correction of convicts, counteraction, ideology, radicalism, extremism, criminal law, security
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