UDK 159.9 Психология
UDK 343.8 Исполнение наказания. Предупреждение преступлений
The article attempts to uncover the problem of taking into account the resilience (stability, viability, adaptability) of convicts with mental disorders that do not exclude sanity in the activities of correctional institutions. The analysis of statistical information from the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, scientific data, as well as the results of their own research, revealing the high prevalence of mental disorders of varying severity among those sentenced to imprisonment, as well as the criminogenic nature of the behavior of these persons, is presented. The need to take into account the resilience of the considered category of persons in the detail of correctional personnel performing medical, supervisory, operational, psychological, educational and other functions is emphasized. A set of signs is given indicating the key points of increasing the effectiveness of the prevention of criminogenic behavior and correcting this category of persons due to their resistance.
convict, mental disorder, resistance, correctional institution
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