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Abstract (English):
The article presents the author’s view of the extremely dangerous destructive phenomenon called hybrid war. It is noted that the struggle between or within a state at each historical stage has its own evolutionary stamp. It is shown that the hybridization of aggression, first of all, manifests itself in a simultaneous attempt to crush all significant geopolitical values and spaces. It is indicated that international legislation is powerless, from the point of view of available legal instruments, in countering hybrid wars. It is noted that the institutional crisis of the world geopolitical system forms the determinants of the hyperactive development of hybrid wars. The conceptually interrelated ideas of hybrid wars are highlighted, and the author’s concept is given. The following main vectors of the considered form of aggression have been identified: intensification of extremist and terrorist activities; destructivization of youth; transnational telecommunication crimes. Legal-technical and government directions for countering hybrid wars are proposed.

war, hybrid, hybrid war, state, security, national security, security, extremism, terrorism, youth, crime, telecommunications
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