Russian Federation
UDK 343.62 Преступления против лиц, нуждающихся в попечении. Аборт. Детоубийство. Пренебрежение обязанностью заботы о детях. Похищение и укрывательство детей. Нарушение законов защиты детей. Использование детей на вредных для здоровья, опасных и тяжелых работах
The article draws attention to the fact that in accordance with pt. 1 of art. 54 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the terms “child” and “minor” are identical. Two vectors of the protection of the rights of the child by measures of a criminal law are considered: the child as a victim of a crime (victim); and the child as the subject of the crimes he commits. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of using terms in the criminal law that specify the age group of the child, which affects either the concept of the criminality of the committed act, or the establishment of a qualifying sign of the corpus delicti, or the imposition of punishment. Proposals have been made to change the approach to establishing in the law measures of a criminal nature for a minor.
child, minor, childhood, punishment, victim, criminal law measures
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