UDK 328.185 Коррупция
UDK 343.953 Психология совершения преступления. Психология преступника
The article describes a criminological study of the personality of officials convicted of corruption crimes and serving sentences in prison, based on an analysis of their attitude to the committed act and the motives that determined criminal behavior. According to the results of the study, it was determined that among the anti-corruption measures, in addition to material security, social security, victimological prevention and compliance with the principle of inevitability of punishment, it is necessary to increase the level of legal awareness and legal culture based on personal conviction to follow the law in their activities, which determines law-abiding behavior. The formation of such legal awareness and culture should be based on a unified anti-corruption ideology in society as a whole.
personality of a corrupt official, corrupt behavior, legal awareness, anti-corruption
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