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Abstract (English):
In search of a process improvement of execution of the criminal sanctions which aren’t connected with imprisonment, the author proves the idea about need of implementation of new forms of response to criminal action, the innovative means and methods of social partnership providing, on the one hand, creation of a complex of the incentives inducing the convict to correction with another - toughening of the mode of serving sentence concerning the persons which chose for themselves antisocial, illegal type of behavior. The efficient mechanism of prevention of crime in the Russian society can become the probation which could take the place of the intermediary between the victim and the offender, promoting protection of interests not only of the victim, but also the offender, using socalled mediativny approaches. Need of Russia for forming of service of the probation connecting in the activities control and supervising functions and powers on social adaptation and rehabilitation, no doubt, ripened long ago. Taking into account foreign experience, it is possible to claim that the worked system of a probation not only promotes the prevention of criminalization of the personality, decrease in repeated crime and reduction of load of a penal system, but also helps to reduce general crime rate in society.

the FPS of Russia, penal inspections, penitentiary policy, punishments without isolation from society, probation
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