Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
In the article, stimulation of the law-abiding behavior of prisoners through applying various incentive measures and supplementing the system of rewards with other stimuli for their correction is analyzed.The reasoning for introducing the incentive institution of reducing the term of serving a sentence for a period not exceeding 3 days per month and 36 days for a year to the prisoners with a positive record to further stimulate their law-abiding behavior is presented. In order to apply this institution to the prisoners, the period of serving a sentence should be at least 6 months. Reducing the term of serving a sentence should be applied only to the persons under eased or concessional conditions of serving a sentence. Such a decision should be made by the court as advised by the administration of the UIS institution. The recommendation to reduce the sentence to the convict should be given by the commission of the correctional institution and approved by its head. The categories of convicted persons to whom this measure should not be applied are specified.It is proposed to legally establish the incentive measures applied by the penal inspections to the persons sentenced to correctional labor, in the form of gratitude and preterm withdrawal of the previous penalty, as well as to provide the measures in the form of a warning about the inadmissibility of violating the order and the conditions of serving a sentence, which would contribute to systematization of applying disciplinary measures to this category of convicts.In the article, the author argues the necessity of applying the incentive institution of parole to the convicts serving the sentences of correctional labor, restriction of liberty and deprivation of the right to hold certain posts or engage in certain activities, which are designated as the main types of punishment, after serving at least half the sentence.In addition, the author endorses the feasibility of legally regulating the possibility to apply the measure by the courts to the convicts with positive record, sentenced to correctional labor, at the request of the penal inspections, except for persons transferred from correctional institutions in accordance with Art. 80 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of replacing the unserved part of the sentence with a lighter form of punishment - a fine.
encouraging law-abiding behavior of convicts, incentive institution of penal law, institution of reducing the sentence, sentenced to correctional labor, sentenced to restriction of liberty, parole, replacement of the unserved part of a sentence with a lighter form of punishment, incentives, penalties
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