UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
According to the author, social factors influencing the formation of public effect as means of correction of convicts are the following: the civil activity of the population, public organizations, public opinion, social consciousness (moral). The author pays much attention to the quality of preparation and publication of information and materials related to the process of execution of punishments and the results of interaction with the institutions of civil society as an objective, high-quality and reliable information can ensure the formation of objective of public opinion, increase the level of trust to the public effect as the means of the correction of the convicts.
convicted person, criminal punishment, correction, social impact, civil society institutions
1. Shargorodskiy, M. D. Nakazanie, ego celi i effektivnost' [Tekst] / M. D. Shargorodskiy. - L. : LGU, 1973