Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
Legal acts by means of which employees of the penal system realize the relevant law standards regulating their legal status in practice are considered.Realization of the rights and duties is based on legal regulation. Therefore, one should consider legal regulation of the analyzed status of the penal system employees as control exercised by the state by means of the relevant law standards and other legal measures of public relations regulation with the purpose of their normalization and realization in the sphere of public administration.The term "legal regulation" concerning the analyzed institute can be interpreted in different ways: first, as a legal regulation of the public relations which is carried out during law-making process and objectifies in the legal acts; secondly, as functioning of legal norms and their realization; thirdly, as law-making activity and functioning of legal norms with their realization in the considered sphere of public relations.The last approach seems to be more productive as allows to characterize thoroughly legal regulation from primary regulators of the public relations - legal norms till their realization in concrete relationship.
rights, duties, realization, employee, legal norms, penal system
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