UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
In the article are described the main stages of legal regulation of information transparency of law enforcement activities in Russia by the close of the 20th - early in the 21st century, defined problems of information openness of law enforcement agencies, specified the constitutional bases of creation of information exchange between society and power. The author consistently reflects the main regulatory legal acts that make up the organizational and legal basis for ensuring the information openness of public authorities. In 2003 the obligation of federal executive authorities to provide access for citizens and the organizations to information on the activity by creation of public information resources has received legal fixing. Special attention is paid to a concept of open data which has received legal registration in Russia in the early 2010’s.The main objective of disclosure of data and their publication in machine-readable formats consists in simplification of access to them of interested persons who can process and give them valuable researches, applications and analytics. In 2014 in order to improve transparency and accountability of public administration and of citizens' satisfaction with the quality of public administration has been accepted the Conception of transparency of Federal Executive bodies, members of which were law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Penal Service. The article reflects the participation of the FPS of Russia in the implementation of the Conception, analyzed the list of open data of the FPS of Russia, conducted a comparative analysis of the rating of official websites of federal law enforcement agencies. It is established that the official site of the FPS of Russia takes the 23rd place in rating, conceding to the websites of Federal Bailiff Service and Federal Tax Service. The obtained data can be used for planning of actions for increase in information openness of activity of FSIN of Russia and to development of the official site of department.
law enforcement agencies, information openness, legal regulation, principle of openness of the public sphere, information exchange, transparency of public administration, open data, monitoring of the state websites, total rating of the websites
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