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Abstract (English):
By means of the implementation of classification and typology methods the European prison systems are systematized into ten types among which the Slavic prison system is distinguished. The author proves the use of such name as “Slavic prison system” which is based on the Slavic law family. However, the use of this term is in a certain sense nominal, but the use of this category reflects the unity of the approach to the European prison systems typology and allows to include chronometrically the pre - and post-Soviet periods of existence of the system of execution of criminal penalties which demonstrates not the progressive nature of its development.While the use of the term “Soviet” leads not only to the ideological essence of correctional labor the system of this period, but also unreasonably underestimates the importance of development features of the system of execution of punishment in the pre-Soviet and post-Soviet periods. It is concluded that the separation of Slavic tendencies among the European prison systems demonstrates the presence of historically developed distinctive features of its functioning.

“hybrid” corrections, Commonwealth of Independent States, places of confine- ment, treatment model, convict, “penitentiary card”, ward-type rooms, prisons
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