UDK 343.827 Тюремный режим. Наказания в тюрьме. Взыскания. Запрещение разговоров
The author considers the procedure for applying a penalty in the form of a disciplinary fine to a convicted person. The purpose of the study is to identify the causes and conditions of law–abiding behavior of convicts in the context of the relationship of preventing violations of law and order in places of detention. Based on the analysis of the practical activities of correctional institutions, it is concluded that it is advisable to apply a disciplinary fine against convicts who are recognized as malicious violators of the established procedure for serving their sentences. In the conclusions, the author also formulates proposals for a potentially new educational approach to violators of the established procedure for serving sentences within the framework of current legislation by applying financial influence measures.
correctional institutions, personal safety of convicts, penalties, disciplinary fine
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